“If a woman insists upon equal pay for equal work, the employer will not have her; if she offers to compete with men upon lower wage terms, we will not have her.” Official of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers

Henrietta Heald

Henrietta Heald
Henrietta Heald

Henrietta Heald is the creator of the Parsonstown website, a successor to her website on the great Victorian inventor and industrialist William Armstrong. Henrietta’s biography William Armstrong, Magician of the North was shortlisted for the 2012 Portico Prize and the H. W. Fisher Best First Biography Prize. It is available in paperback and as an ebook from the publishers McNidder & Grace.

Henrietta is a writer and editor with a particular interest in history, politics, architecture and tourism. Her most recent book is La Vie est Belle, about French country style, published by Ryland Peters & Small. She was chief editor of the historical encyclopedia Chronicle of Britain and Ireland and has edited and project-managed books on architecture, interiors and the British countryside, including Illustrated Guide to Britain’s Coast and Country Walks and Scenic Drives, both published by Reader’s Digest. Among her publishing triumphs was the first British edition of The Periodic Table by Primo Levi. She has written for several newspapers and magazines, as well as contributing to literary festivals and television and radio broadcasts.